Drawing Library

Drawing New

<object> Drawing.new(<string> type)

Creates a new drawing object with type. Returns the object.


The following fonts are available within the Drawing.Fonts table. |Font |Number | |-----------|-----------| |UI |0 | |System |1 | |Plex |2 | |Monospace |3 | |Base |Properties |

bool Visible; int ZIndex; number Transparency; Color3 Color; void Remove();


  • All other classes derive from this base class.
  • Transparency is the opposite than on normal GUI elements - 1 means fully opaque, while 0 means fully transparent.
  • ZIndex's are 32 bit integers - you can only use whole numbers from -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647. All objects by default have a ZIndex of zero.
    • Related to that, the object rendering order goes from the lowest ZIndex to the highest. This means ZIndex's of lower values will render first, and higher will render after.
      • In more laymen terms, this means an object with a higher ZIndex will render above one with a lower ZIndex.
    • In a single ZIndex, the render order is 'first come first serve' - the oldest objects in the same ZIndex will be rendered first. Switching to a different ZIndex will kick that object back to the end of the rendering order for that ZIndex. Newly allocated objects will also start at the end of the rendering order for that specific ZIndex.



number Thickness; Vector2 From; Vector2 To;


string Text; number Size; bool Center; bool Outline; Color3 OutlineColor; Vector2 Position; readonly<Vector2> TextBounds; Drawing.Font Font;


writeonly<string> Data; Vector2 Size; Vector2 Position; number Rounding;


  • Data does NOT refer to the URL of the image. You must grab the image data yourself (game:HttpGet), then assign that to Data.


number Thickness; number NumSides; number Radius; bool Filled; Vector2 Position;


number Thickness; Vector2 Size; Vector2 Position; bool Filled;


number Thickness; Vector2 PointA; Vector2 PointB; Vector2 PointC; Vector2 PointD; bool Filled;


  • The points are in counter-clockwise order - PointA is top-right, PointB is top-left, PointC is bottom-left, PointD is bottom-right.


number Thickness; Vector2 PointA; Vector2 PointB; Vector2 PointC; bool Filled;


local Line = Drawing.new("Line") Line.Visible = true Line.From = Vector2.new(0, 0) Line.To = Vector2.new(200, 200) Line.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) Line.Thickness = 2 Line.Transparency = 1 LIne.ZIndex = 1 wait(5) Line:Remove() --Drawing objects are manually managed.