Web APIs

Synapse X contains an API that allow you to easily make REST requests - syn.request.

You pass a table containing REST request properties to the function:

  • Url - The Url for the request.
  • Method - This is the REST request method. (GET, POST, etc)
  • Headers - This is a table of HTTP headers to be passed to the request.
  • Cookies - This is a table of HTTP cookies to be passed to the request.
  • Body - This can be used within POST or other similar request types as a payload body.

The function will yield while the request is being preformed, and will return the following table:

  • Success - If the request was successful or not.
  • StatusCode - The HTTP status code of the request.
  • StatusMessage - The HTTP status code converted to string form.
  • Headers - The response headers of the request.
  • Cookies - The response cookies of the request.
  • Body - The response body of the request.

Synapse X also will add a few headers to any syn.request call:

  • The User-Agent header by default will be synx/current-version. (current-version will be the current version of Synapse X.)
  • A Syn-Fingerprint header will be added which allows you to uniquely identify Synapse X users.

An example of syn.request is shown below:

local Response = syn.request({
    Url = "https://example.com",
    Method = "GET"


The HTML for https://example.com will be printed out.


This concludes the Synapse X development tutorial. If you have any suggestions for topics to be included within the tutorial, please reach out to us! The next section will be a reference for all Synapse X API functions.